麥飯石共同的特徵是石頭表面突出來一顆一顆白色的像麥粒的東西,看起來就像大麥飯捏成的飯糰一樣 ,於是,人們就乾脆叫它「麥飯石」了!麥飯石,其外觀,是在淺黃褐色或淡灰色的石基中散佈白色長石的斑晶和呈灰色的石英結晶,貌似麥飯,而以得名。麥飯石為火山爆發之溶岩,經數千萬年形成之石化礦物,呈麥穗狀,古稱「麥飯石」學名為「角閃石」或「安山石」。近年來有人稱為「太陽石」而日本人稱為「神秘石」, 美國人稱為「生命石」。


以500g的麥飯石而例,實驗證明可以釋放出: 鈣離子Ca2+: 34mg/l, 鎂離子 Mg2+: 12mg/l, 鈉離子Na+: 22mg/l, 鉀離子K+: 8.5mg/l,補充人體所需礦物質及多種微量元素。以美國市場規模,一年需要消耗150萬噸的麥飯石,相當於台灣地區10年的用量,可見麥飯石在美國人心目中的地位。

This filter improves the qualities of clean water by adding necessary for proper human development and health minerals, such as Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and others readily found in many natural mineral waters.

Mainly installed with RO systems to complement their absolute filtration qualities.
The mineralized water after the Mineralized filter has perfectly balanced proportions of minerals necessary for healthy development of the human body. The Mineralized filter was designed by top specialists in The Military Medical Academy in Taiwan.

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